Double Yoga

Partner Yoga for Every One


Double Yoga is a practice for two people to experience their bodies, minds, and spirits together. It is a fully supportive, deeply relaxing, mutually beneficial Yoga Practice, that requires no props, acrobatics, or any previous training in order to experience.


Double Play

Strengthening, Healing, & Curiosity

Double Play is a free form experience of two people flowing through dynamic aspects of Strength Training, Dance, Yoga, Massage, and Play.

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Double Yoga & Double Play are offered and created by Tyler Blank, who currently lives in Northern California. Tyler was one of the first AcroYoga teachers to be trained in 2004. He has since developed a more gentle and slower form of Partner Yoga, without the “flying” or acrobatics, instead focusing on the deepening connection between partners, and to Ones’ Self, dissolving obstacles with the breath, and enjoying the space created inside. Double Play takes Partner Yoga off the mat, and blends Dance, Strength Training, & Massage with a Playful, Improvisational Spirit.

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Classes & Trainings

We have online classes launching soon, as well as our first Double Yoga Teacher Training. Here are ways you can Practice, Study, and Train with Double Yoga, both Online, and in Person.

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